Partnership Data Partnership data is only accessible to approved officers in the GLA, London Boroughs, and BIDs that have joined the High Streets Data Service. Please refer to the Basecamp user community to connect with other users and for additional details on new releases. To access the pages below, you need to sign-up for a London Datastore account and be given access by...

HSDS Datastore – Partnership Data Interactive tools High Streets Data Hub (BETA) A dashboard to explore and compare multiple high streets and examine reports on recent and typical footfall, spend, and Business Offerings at high street, town centre, and BID levels. Map Explorer A mapping tool that brings together data spatially, displaying footfall, spend, travel time, business locations, cultural infrastructure, and public land ownership. Data Explorer An...

Posted 9 months ago

UK GDP growth was flat in April The UK economy did not grow in April according to new data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The data showed that monthly GDP grew by 0% in April 2024 (Figure 1). This followed on from growth of 0.4% in March. Nevertheless, the ONS estimates that in the three months to April...

Contact Us & FAQs Contact us [email protected] FAQs 1. How do I access the data? Please note the terms of our current tenders with our data providers only allow us to share the private data with London borough and Business Improvement District (BID) officers who are subscribed to the High Streets Data Service. A list of subscribed organisations is available here. If you work at a...

London Fire Brigade
Added 9 months ago

Regulation 113 of the Public Contract Regulation Act 2015 requires all contracting authorities to pay undisputed invoices within 30 days. This dataset shows how many undisputed invoices the LFB have paid, how many have been paid within 30 days, and the percentage paid within 30 days.

Vibrancy This section of the Night Time Observatory draws together data on the evening and night time offer of an area in economic and cultural terms, including the diversity of the offer. London’s Night Time Economy by Borough and MSOA Office for National Statistics (ONS) Number of workplaces and employees working in industry sectors that operate in the evening or night. Entertainment licensing Department for Culture,...

Transport for London (TfL)
Updated 9 months ago

This TfL feed contains the name, location, co-ordinates and maximum number of docking points for all operational Santander Cycle Hire docking stations. It also contains the number of available bikes (excluding locked or faulty bikes), and number of available docking points. Documentation is available from the TfL Unified API

London Fire Brigade
Updated 9 months ago

Details of senior London Fire Brigade staff expenses claims and register of gifts and hospitality. Please note that postholders in the office shown in the data (e.g. Commissioner, Director) will change over time. It should not be assumed that historic data relates to current postholders; details of current postholders in the LFB top management structure are available here on the LFB website. Senior...

London Fire Brigade
Updated 9 months ago

The London Fire Brigade (LFB) has to publish annually the amount of trade union facility time granted. Data is published in accordance with the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations, and the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.  The London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue authority for Greater London, and runs the London Fire Brigade.

GLA and TFL Air Quality
Added 9 months ago

The GLA have produced updates to the tree canopy cover and green cover assessments previously produced in November 2018 and January 2019 respectively (based on 2016 data).  The 2024 updates are based on data primarily from 2022 and estimate London’s tree canopy cover at 19.6% (±0.3%) and its green cover at 51.7% (±1.11%).  These estimates were produced via a ‘machine learning’ computer...