Contact Us & FAQs
Contact Us & FAQs
Contact us
1. How do I access the data?
Please note the terms of our current tenders with our data providers only allow us to share the private data with London borough and Business Improvement District (BID) officers who are subscribed to the High Streets Data Service. A list of subscribed organisations is available here.
If you work at a London borough or BID that is subscribed to the service, please email [email protected] to be granted access to the HSDS.
The public data is open to all.
2. I’ve been onboarded but having trouble accessing the high streets data, can you assist?
Please note you will only be able to access the data that the GLA has given you permission for. If you are logged in and still cannot view the datasets, please email us at [email protected] to be granted access.
If you have already been given access, make sure you are logged into your London Datastore account – top right, using your organisational email address.
3. I am a member of the HSDS. May I share the data with consultants or partners?
As part of your membership to the High Streets Data Service, you may request that HSDS data be sub-licensed to third parties you contract with. This means contractors, consultancies, or researchers performing analysis on your behalf have the ability to access HSDS data through your subscription. Please note that the GLA administers this sub-license: you may not share this data with partners directly.
In order to share data with a contractor, consultancy, or researcher, the account manager from the subscribing organisation (GLA, borough, or BID) must make a written request to [email protected].
4. I would like to join the High Streets Data Service. How can I sign up?
Email us at the [email protected] to discuss joining the membership.
For HSDS members, additional FAQs can be viewed on Basecamp.