Borough Data Partnership

Borough Data Partnership

When is the next Data Partnership meeting?

The last meeting was held on the 29 March 2018 at City Hall, London, more details can be found here. A slide deck from the event is available here (pdf).

Details of content from previous meetings can be found below.

Why a Borough Data Partnership?

London Borough Data Partnership has been founded with some very simple reasons in mind.

  • Whether it is school places or particulate matter in the atmosphere, more often than not, the problems faced by public services cross ‘artificial’ boundaries.
  • The data at our disposal is often not as good as it could be – we can share, organise and structure it better.
  • The analytical tools, big data approaches and range of potential collaborators all mean we now have infinitely better chances of delivering new insight and creating new products to deliver social, economic and environmental improvement in London’s communities.

What’s on Offer?

The chance to listen to world experts in city data and become involved in streams of work designed to both increase capacity in the areas of data release and city analytics in local authorities.
There is also the chance to take part in the sorts of partnerships described above and elsewhere on this site.

Boost your own Open Data approach

The new London DataStore provides a modern, ready-made platform for your Borough to share data. Data is becoming more and more significant to the way we live our lives and the way services are delivered to us. Benefits are already being experienced by local authorities who actively publish their data. Click here to see the details of what we are offering.

In the four years since the original Datastore was launched the technology which supports the site has improved rapidly.  More significantly though, disciplines such as urban informatics and the analytical tools associated with them have become more sophisticated and accessible outside of academia.  The sheer volume and scope of data available for potential exploitation, as well as approaches to ensure its accessibility and quality have also advanced significantly.[/bs_well]

We therefore believe that the time has come to adopt a more nuanced, co-ordinated and pro-active approach to open data across the capital city, so that its full benefits can be realised and it can be applied to maximum effect in the pursuit of social, economic and environmental improvement in our communities.  Often, the problems we face are the same and they travel across the administrative boundaries which divide us.

This is an exciting area in which we will be able to achieve much more together – please contact [email protected] for more information.

Previous meetings:

Meeting #1: Our first gathering, attended by 15 London Boroughs, took place on 29th July 2014.  Experts from the ODI and Future Cities Catapult contributed on the day.  Presentation materials, including those from the GLA, are available here.

Meeting #2: Our second gathering, attended by 23 London Boroughs, took place on 5th December 2014. Included contributions from Cllr Theo Blackwell from the LB of Camden, Fran Bennett, CEO of Mastadon C and Adrian Ulisse, CEO of Better Cities.  Presentation materials, including those from the GLA, are available here.

Meeting #3: The third gathering, took place on 22nd May 2014. Included contributions from Lola Fernandez-Redondo from Digital Greenwich, Lawrence Hopper from the Cabinet Office and Stephen Blackburn from Leeds City Council Datamill.  Presentation materials, including those from the GLA, are available here.

Meeting #4:The fourth series of London Borough Data Partnership meeting was held on Wednesday 7th October at the Data Science Institute and showcased their visualisation studio – a bank of 64 large flat screens! With contributions from University College London Innovate UK city modelling project ‘Sync‘, the Cabinet Office Data Science in Government programme and GLA’s smart city and data projects. Presentation materials including those from GLA are available here

Meeting #5:The fifth meeting was held on 12 April 2016 at  Nesta  and focused on how to best share and exploit data. The agenda included Eddie Copeland on the need for City Data Analytics; the GLA’ City Data Strategy and Sue Dougan on how they are trying to use heath data better in Camden. A report of the event can be found on our blog page and the slides are available from here.

Meeting #6:This meeting was held on the 13 December 2016 and hosted by the London Fire Brigade – slides from the event are available here (8MB pdf), as well as a blog post report.

Meeting #7: Held on the 13 June 2017 and hosted by at Digital Catapult – slides from the event are available here (12MB pdf). The meeting included the latest on the London Office of Data Analytics; the new City Datastore; Data Warehousing at LB of Newham; London Ventures and the Counter Fraud Hub; Digital Catapult; and a proposed London Data Sharing Alliance.