Skills and Employment
Skills and Employment
Welcome to the Skills and Employment data and research pages. Here you will find all datasets and research relating to skills, adult education, and employment in London.
Our Research
We often work with external partners to conduct research on trends and particular policy issues regarding skills, adult education and employment. Here you will find our research reports across a range of policy topics.
Our Datasets
We regularly publish data about adult education and the labour market in London. Here you will find datasets and briefings relating to the AEB, London’s labour market, and other skills/employment data.
What Londoners and Stakeholders say
We regularly consult and engage our stakeholders, including learning providers, communities and Londoners. Here you will find feedback and results from these consultations.
Our Responses to Government
We often respond to government consultations on policy changes relating to skills, employment and adult education. Here you will find our policy positions and written submissions to government.