London’s Quality of Life Indicators Report
London’s Quality of Life Indicators Report 2017
The London Sustainable Development Commission (LSDC) was established in 2002 to advise the Mayor of London on how best to make London a ‘sustainable world city’. Sustainable development matters because it offers an integrated economic, social and environmental framework for creating a London that secures quality of life for its citizens and neighbours, both now and in the future.
The Quality of Life Indicators Report is designed to help answer the question, “how do we know if London is making progress towards becoming a sustainable world city?”. Its purpose is to provide a snapshot of London’s quality of life and to identify how sustainably London is developing. It provides baseline data that will inform the Commission’s future work programme and the advice it provides to the Mayor. It also provides a benchmark for the new Mayor and a review of quality of life in the round.
Both a summary and full report are available for download. Additionally, where available links to raw data for the indicators used in the report are listed below.