London is changing; with an expanding service-led economy, increasing wealth, consumption and leisure time for many of its residents and a growing multiplicity of tastes and preferences across a growing population. From November 3rd to December 1st, 4000 Londoners took part in Talk London’s Annual London Survey (ALS) to share their views on what makes London a great place to live, and what aspects of life in the capital could do with some improvement.


The London Survey aims to address three key questions:

  • To what extent are Londoners satisfied with their quality of life, and what drives this satisfaction?
  • What do Londoners think are the most important drivers of a successful place to live and work?
  •  What does the balance of satisfaction and rank of different aspects of London life mean for experience and enjoyment of the city, and how can this be improved?

Technical Details

  • Results are based on interviews with 3861 London residents aged 18+
  • Interviews were carried out online via the Talk London community between 3rd November and 1st December 2015.
  • Participants were self-selecting, and outreach undertaken via a number of known databases. This achieved a non-representative sample of Londoners.
  • The data was weighted by age, gender and ethnicity to reflect the London population according to ONS data.
  • Robustness was maintained through achieving a minimum quota of responses from each demographic group.
  • This is the second London Survey conducted through Talk London for City Hall.
UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
9 years ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
3 files