Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 months ago

The Mayor is committed to measuring social integration in London. Providing evidence-based analysis of the state of social integration will allow him to shine a light on the whole city. Accompanying the Social Integration Strategy published in March 2018, the Mayor published a set of measures tracking social integration in London. These measures were selected from existing high-quality datasets, such as...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 5 months ago

Introduction The challenge of defining and analysing ‘green jobs’ has been well documented over recent years. In particular, traditional labour market data sources and taxonomies, such as the standard occupational (SOC) or industrial classifications (SIC), struggle to accurately capture the changing demand for green jobs given their relatively recent emergence and evolving nature. However, gaining a better understanding of these roles...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 months ago

Modelled estimates of annual live births by year ending date. Official birth estimates from ONS are considered very accurate, but the lag between the end of the period covered and the publication of estimates is typically 9-12 months. To gain a more timely indication of birth trends, the GLA Demography team produces modelled estimates of annual births...

Mobility HSDS mobility data has been anonymised and aggregated data by BT. This data is useful for understanding pedestrian density, guiding urban development and retail planning decisions. It captures footfall traffic trends, including footfall counts, visitor demographics and behaviours like return visits and dwell time. Please note the terms of our current tenders with our data providers only allow us to share...

Spend HSDS spend data has been anonymised and aggregated by Mastercard. This data is useful for analysing consumer behaviour, economic trends, and informing business strategies and policy decisions. Spend is reported as an index value, not £ amount. To protect retailer confidentiality, you cannot see the actual pounds spent or the actual number of transactions. Please note the terms of our current tenders...

London housing market report The quarterly London housing market report summarises key trends and patterns in London’s housing market. The analysis covers topics including house prices, rents, sales and new supply. The report primarily draws on publicly available datasets. The London housing market report is updated quarterly by analysts at the Greater London Authority. The most recent London housing market report was...

Metropolitan Police Service
Updated 5 months ago

The data used in the MPS Stop and Search – More Thorough Searches Intimate Parts Exposed (MTIPS) dashboard is available here More Thorough Searches Intimate Parts Exposed (MTIPS) Dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, Datasets are updated monthly at the beginning of the month. Please note, this data runs until the end of the...

Metropolitan Police Service
Updated 5 months ago

The data used in the MPS Stop and Search Dashboard is available here Stop and Search Dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, this dataset is updated monthly at the beginning of the month. Data runs until the end of the month prior.   Definitions / Counting Rules Stop and Search (S&S) - When an officer...

GLA Health Team
Updated 5 months ago

Description and Purpose This slide deck provides a high-level overview of major inequalities issues affecting Londoners in a ready-to-use accessible powerpoint and PDF format. Our hope is that this can : (1) be used as a platform for partnership work on inequalities across the capital (2) help highlight key gaps in intelligence that would help improve...