The London DataStore Offer

The London DataStore Offer

Boost your own Open Data approach

The new London DataStore provides a modern, ready-made platform for your organisation to share data. Data is becoming more and more significant to the way we live our lives and the way services are delivered to us. Benefits are already being experienced by local authorities who actively publish their data. Specifically, we are offering:

Free space

  • A Borough landing page, setting out your approach to open data and providing a platform to engage with the open data community
  • The freedom to create datasets, upload multiple files and provide descriptions of the data (metadata)
  • The creation of an initial Borough ‘Manager’ and after that, the Manager can create additional users able to upload and edit that Borough’s data when staff join or leave the Borough
  • Security – although you can update your data at any time, other boroughs or partners will not be able to change your data
  • Fully hosted system in a UK datacentre, with backups and redundancy

A world class experience for users

  • Easy search tool with suggestions for other datasets of interest and filters to narrow down search results
  • Ability to preview the data for users with a specific question to answer who don’t want to download the entire dataset
  • Geographic search, allowing you to pulling together data for an area of interest from multiple datasets
  • Excellent access to all datasets for web and app developers through the CKAN API

Flexible and easy to use system for publishers

  • Datasets can be added or updated with a few clicks, but sophisticated tools for recording detailed information about the datasets (metadata) are also available, ensuring that the data will be found, understood and used appropriately.
  • As standards emerge for common datasets, they will be incorporated into the London DataStore:
    • allowing you to work on cross-border issues
    • saving you staff time researching and designing the layouts of tables
    • enabling you to benchmark yourself against other boroughs
    • contributing over time to a London-wide picture for key datasets
  • A private setting allows datasets to be shared across your teams or departments, without being accessible to the wider public