Labour Market Indicators
Labour Market Indicators
London’s labour markets and skills needs are constantly evolving. This page contains a wide range of London-focused, indicators of labour market demand, providing the most up-to-date coverage of important developments. It brings together a variety of official survey statistics, administrative data and near real-time data, offering high quality information to support the effective planning and delivery of skills provision, and careers advice that better meets London’s economic demands.
- Workforce jobs
- Workforce jobs by sector
- Employee jobs by sector
- Jobs by occupation and highest qualification
- Jobs by age and gender
- London Business Survey 2014 : Workforce
- Medium term economic forecast
- Long term labour market projections
Vacancies/ Skills needs
Earnings (workplace)
- Workers’ earnings by Borough
- Earnings by gender, and full-time/part-time
- Earnings by industry and occupation
- Gross value added and gross disposable household income
The Greater London Authority Economics team also provides expert analysis and guidance on London’s labour market by examining recent developments. Our publications are available at: For example, in May 2016, GLA Economics published a series of working papers set out the demand for jobs and skills to inform the Government’s area reviews of post-16 education and training, covering four London sub-regions.
Other relevant indicators on the supply of labour in London are available on the Datastore at: