Labour Market Indicators

Labour Market Indicators

London’s labour markets and skills needs are constantly evolving. This page contains a wide range of London-focused, indicators of labour market demand, providing the most up-to-date coverage of important developments. It brings together a variety of official survey statistics, administrative data and near real-time data, offering high quality information to support the effective planning and delivery of skills provision, and careers advice that better meets London’s economic demands.


Vacancies/ Skills needs

Earnings (workplace)

The Greater London Authority Economics team also provides expert analysis and guidance on London’s labour market by examining recent developments. Our publications are available at: For example, in May 2016, GLA Economics published a series of working papers set out the demand for jobs and skills to inform the Government’s area reviews of post-16 education and training, covering four London sub-regions.

Other relevant indicators on the supply of labour in London are available on the Datastore at: