The London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure

The London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure

Wellbeing is about how we’re doing as individuals, communities, and societies, and what our quality of life is like.

The GLA has created the London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure to make sure we’re measuring the things that matter to Londoners.

Relying on traditional economic indicators alone fails to capture the range of factors that matter to people to live a good quality of life. We are beginning to observe a shift towards the use of composite measures of wellbeing by governments and organisations around the world.

In 2021, the Mayor of London committed to measuring success and prosperity in London in a more meaningful way.

GLA City Intelligence has developed the London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure, which consists of 7 domains and 64 indicators.

The London Wellbeing and Sustainability Framework