ZIP File
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 months ago

Modelled estimates of annual live births by year ending date. Official birth estimates from ONS are considered very accurate, but the lag between the end of the period covered and the publication of estimates is typically 9-12 months. To gain a more timely indication of birth trends, the GLA Demography team produces modelled estimates of annual births...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 months ago

An archive of Briefings and Updates published in 2006 by the GLA's Data Management and Analysis Group. These Briefings cover a range of topics including demography, census analysis, education, and London's labour market. Briefings from other years are available here: DMAG Report Archive – London Datastore

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 months ago

The Zip folder contains a range of key GIS boundary files for ESRI and Map Info covering Greater London. The folder includes: - Output Area (OA) 2011, - Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) 2004 and 2011, - Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) 2004 and 2011, - London Wards (two files: City of London merged into single area and split into seperate wards). There are separate...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 7 months ago

An archive of Briefings and Updates published in 2010 by the GLA's Data Management and Analysis Group, as well as the GLA Intelligence Unit after it was formed that year. These Briefings cover a range of topics including demography, census analysis, education, and London's labour market. Briefings from other years are available here: DMAG Report Archive – London Datastore

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 7 months ago

The trend-based projections include a range of variants based on different assumptions about future levels of migration. The projections are produced for all local authorities in England & Wales. The datasets include summary workbooks with population and summary components of change as well as zip archives with the full detailed outputs from the models, including components of change by single year...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 7 months ago

This is a collection of presentations given at the Population Statistics User Group hosted by the GLA City Intelligence and attended by representatives of London local authorities. Additional presentations will be added to this page over time. An archive of presentations delivered at conferences is available here.

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 7 months ago

Information   These published reports present information from the multi-agency database Combined Homelessness and Information Network (CHAIN), about people seen rough sleeping by outreach teams in London. CHAIN, which is commissioned and funded by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and managed by Homeless Link, represents one of the UK’s most detailed and comprehensive sources of information about rough sleeping.  ...

Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL)
Updated 8 months ago

Introduction The GiGL Open Space Friends Group subset provides locations and boundaries for selected open space sites in Greater London. The chosen sites represent sites that have established Friends Groups in Greater London and are therefore important to local communities, even if they may not be accessible open spaces, or don’t typically function as destinations for leisure, activities and community engagement*. Friends Groups...

Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL)
Updated 8 months ago

Introduction The GiGL Spaces to Visit dataset provides locations and boundaries for open space sites in Greater London that are available to the public as destinations for leisure, activities and community engagement. It includes green corridors that provide opportunities for walking and cycling. The dataset has been created by Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL). As London’s...