The Mayor is committed to measuring social integration in London. Providing evidence-based analysis of the state of social integration will allow him to shine a light on the whole city. Accompanying the Social Integration Strategy published in March 2018, the Mayor published a set of measures tracking social integration in London. These measures were selected from existing high-quality datasets, such as...
The data used in the MPS Stop and Search – More Thorough Searches Intimate Parts Exposed (MTIPS) dashboard is available here More Thorough Searches Intimate Parts Exposed (MTIPS) Dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, Datasets are updated monthly at the beginning of the month. Please note, this data runs until the end of the...
The GLA Grants Dataset contains data relating to grants which have been awarded by the GLA since 2013. The dataset uses the 360 Giving Standard, to ensure the data is clear and accessible. This dataset can also be accessed on the 360 giving navigation site GrantNav, which allows grant-makers and others to explore how grants are used, areas of commonality...
The GLA is currently developing updated household projection models for use in its 2023-based projections. This page will initially contain raw input data to the projections, with processed data, calculated rates, draft outputs, and links to code being added as development progresses. Inputs: Census estimates of population usually resident population by age, sex, local authority, and residence type. Census estimates...
An archive of Briefings and Updates published in 2006 by the GLA's Data Management and Analysis Group. These Briefings cover a range of topics including demography, census analysis, education, and London's labour market. Briefings from other years are available here: DMAG Report Archive – London Datastore
The UK House Price Index (UK HPI) captures changes in the value of residential properties. The UK HPI uses sales data collected on residential housing transactions, whether for cash or with a mortgage. For more information, please read the Land Registry's documentation:
Unemployment numbers and rates for those aged 16 or over. The unemployed population consists of those people out of work, who are actively looking for work and are available to start immediately. Unemployed numbers and rates also shown for equalities groups, by age, sex, ethnic group, and disability. The data are taken from the Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey, produced...
The Mayors Health Inequalities Strategy sets out his plans to tackle unfair differences in health to make London a healthier, fairer city. This dataset reports the 14 headline population health indicators that will be used to monitor London’s progress in reducing health inequalities over the next ten years. The themes of the indicators are listed below. The measures...
Lists of user-requested tables from the 2021, 2011 and 2001 Censuses. ONS charge for producing commissioned tables but once they are produced, most are published for all to use. It is however difficult to find out what tables are available as the ONS website does not list what's been produced. The 2011 and 2021 spreadsheets were originally our working sheets...