High resolution static map of green cover for Greater London
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The GLA have produced updates to the tree canopy cover and green cover assessments previously produced in November 2018 and January 2019 respectively (based on 2016 data).
The 2024 updates are based on data primarily from 2022 and estimate London’s tree canopy cover at 19.6% (±0.3%) and its green cover at 51.7% (±1.11%).
These estimates were produced via a ‘machine learning’ computer modelling technique that uses algorithms to assess source data (colour aerial imagery, infrared aerial imagery, and height data) to make a judgement about what is tree canopy or other green cover (vegetation that is not trees). The approach makes use of the fact that vegetation reflects infrared light and enables the modelling of all of London’s green infrastructure, not just the elements that are accessible for on-the-ground surveying.
This page hosts the results of the green cover assessment, while another Datastore page hosts the results of the canopy cover assessment.
The green cover modelling is supplemented with the addition of other land use data (in this case, categories from the Ordnance Survey MasterMap Topography Layer) given the technique struggles to pick up bare ground such as farming land or very worn grass.
More information is available within the methodology report below and resulting cover estimates (%) are provided here by borough and ward. The resulting map layer will soon be made available to view online and download via this page.
High resolution static map of green cover for Greater London
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