Geographic Coverage
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 months ago

Modelled estimates of annual live births by year ending date. Official birth estimates from ONS are considered very accurate, but the lag between the end of the period covered and the publication of estimates is typically 9-12 months. To gain a more timely indication of birth trends, the GLA Demography team produces modelled estimates of annual births...

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 5 months ago

Unemployment numbers and rates for those aged 16 or over. The unemployed population consists of those people out of work, who are actively looking for work and are available to start immediately. Unemployed numbers and rates also shown for equalities groups, by age, sex, ethnic group, and disability. The data are taken from the Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey, produced...

Department for Transport
Updated 6 months ago

Estimated traffic volume for cars and all vehicles by local authority since 1993 (kilometres). Million Vehicle Kilometres travelled by all motor vehicles and all cars in London. Data comes from the Department for Transport (DFT) National Road Traffic Survey. Definitions can be found here.

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 6 months ago

Economic inactivity rates for London and the UK by month. This dataset also includes annual data that reports economic inactivity by reason, gender, ethnic group and disability.

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 6 months ago

Modelled counts of patients registered at a GP practice by single year of age (0-95+), sex, and local authority of residence. These modelled data contain information from NHS Digital, licenced under the current version of the Open Government Licence: Counts of patients by practice attended x sex x LSOA of residence - currently published quarterly Counts of...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 6 months ago

Analysis of the labour market covering the latest developments. When using outputs from this analysis you should be aware of the following caveats: •The analysis is not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive. It is a snapshot analysis of key data as it pertains to London. •The analysis does not represent the full body of evidence on which...

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 7 months ago

Number and percentage of residents aged 16-64 who are in employment by sex (000's) (seasonally adjusted), for rolling quarters since 1992 by region and country. The figures in this dataset are adjusted to compensate for seasonal variations in employment. Figures are released every month for rolling quarters. Data from ONS Table HI00. The data are taken from the Labour Force Survey and...

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 7 months ago

This table shows the average House Price/Earnings ratio, which is an important indicator of housing affordability. Ratios are calculated by dividing house price by the median earnings of a borough. The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is based on a 1 per cent sample of employee jobs. Information on earnings and hours is obtained in confidence from employers. It...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Updated 8 months ago

These datasets contain the annual results for local authority collected waste in London and England. Local authority collected waste statistics from the quarterly reporting to WasteDataFlow. Data in this table shows Local Authority, London and England data. Information on the median cost of different types of waste management is also included.

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

London’s Economic Outlook is GLA Economics’ London forecast. The forecasts are issued every six months to assist those preparing planning projections for London in the medium term. The report contains the following: An overview of recent economic conditions in London, the UK and the world economies with analysis of important events, trends and risks to short and medium-term growth. ...