Geographic Coverage
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 months ago

Modelled estimates of annual live births by year ending date. Official birth estimates from ONS are considered very accurate, but the lag between the end of the period covered and the publication of estimates is typically 9-12 months. To gain a more timely indication of birth trends, the GLA Demography team produces modelled estimates of annual births...

Thames Water
Updated 6 months ago

Table showing daily Reservoir levels in London since 1989 as percentage of usable or deployable capacity in the Lower Lee Group and Lower Thames Group reservoirs. Usable or deployable capacity excludes water normally left in a reservoir for environmental or emergency contingency measures. View Environment Agency website

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 6 months ago

Modelled counts of patients registered at a GP practice by single year of age (0-95+), sex, and local authority of residence. These modelled data contain information from NHS Digital, licenced under the current version of the Open Government Licence: Counts of patients by practice attended x sex x LSOA of residence - currently published quarterly Counts of...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

This dataset contains ethnicity pay gap figures for all employees in London. The pay gap figures for GLA group organisations can be found on their respective websites. The ethnicity pay gap is the difference in the average hourly wage of White employees and employees of other ethnic groups across a workforce. If Black, Asian or minority ethnic employees do more of...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

This dataset contains disability pay gap estimates for all employees in London and the UK. The pay gap figures for GLA group organisations can be found on their respective websites. The disability pay gap is the difference in the average hourly wage of non-disabled employees and disabled employees across a workforce. If disabled employees do more of the less well paid...

Department of Health
Updated 10 months ago

The annual  Abortion Statistics for England and Wales: 2022  has been provisionally delayed from 22 June 2023 until May 2024. This is due to a backlog in the HSA4 form processing, which the publication is based on. Legal abortions: rates by Primary Care Organisation by age. Rates per 1,000 in age group. Age not stated have been distributed pro-rata across age...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 10 months ago

This dataset contains gender pay gap figures for all employees in London and large employers in London. The pay gap figures for GLA group organisations can be found on their respective websites. The gender pay gap is the difference in the average hourly wage of all men and women across a workforce. If women do more of the less well paid...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 10 months ago

A Business Improvement District (BID) is a defined area within which local businesses are required to pay an additional levy. The collected tax will be invested locally to fund projects within the district's boundaries. The BID is often funded primarily through the levy but can also draw on other public and private funding streams. There are currently 70 London BIDs...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 10 months ago

The London Schools Atlas is an innovative interactive online map of London providing a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of London schools, current patterns of attendance and potential future demand for school places across the capital. The Atlas is part of the Mayor's programme of initiatives aimed at driving up standards in education and ensuring there are enough good places for...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated a year ago

This dataset has now moved to