
This section of the Night Time Observatory draws together data on the evening and night time offer of an area in economic and cultural terms, including the diversity of the offer.
London’s Night Time Economy by Borough and MSOAOffice for National Statistics (ONS) Number of workplaces and employees working in industry sectors that operate in the evening or night. |
Entertainment licensingDepartment for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Modelled estimates of the number of premises licences and club premises certificates authorising the provision of regulated entertainment. |
Floorspace of night time economy establishmentsGreater London Authority (GLA) Floorspace of selected night time economy establishments by town centre at the time of the 2017 Town Centre Health Check. |
Alcohol and late-night refreshments licensing statisticsHome Office Licensed premises by licensing authority, alcohol status and per 1,000 population aged 18+. |
Pub ClosuresGreater London Authority (GLA) Pub closures in London by period and reason for closure. |
Cultural Infrastructure MapGreater London Authority (GLA) The Cultural Infrastructure Map plots the location of cultural infrastructure such as pubs, theatres and dance studios on an interactive webmap. It enables the user to view this alongside useful contextual data, like transport networks and population growth. |