Transport for London (TfL)
Added 11 years ago

Data and technical analysis for London Assembly Transport Committee report on bus services in London (October 2013). The technical analysis published in support of the Transport Committee's report on bus services in London includes: - the number of bus passenger journeys in London compared to rest of England for 2004/5-2012/13; - annual actual and forecast bus passenger journeys and bus kilometres operated for...

GLA Opinion Research
Added 12 years ago

Throughout 2012/13 the GLA carried out a programme of research to explore the impact that the London 2012 Games and the work of the GLA has had on the opinions, behaviour and attitudes of Londoners and visitors to London. This page is where you can find the results from all of the GLA’s Gamestime research. Infographics There are a series of...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 12 years ago

Register of any gift or hospitality worth £25 or over received by Mayor's Office in connection with their official duties. This currently links to the existing pages on the GLA website where the information can be found. We are working on making this data available in an easier to use format. Relevant link:

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 12 years ago

Declaration of expenses incurred by Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Directors and Advisors. This currently links to the existing PDF and RTF documents on the GLA website. We are working on making this data available in a more easy to use format. Related link:

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 12 years ago

Declaration of personal interests by the Mayor's Office. The Mayor of London is required to declare personal interests in the Standing Register of Interests. He/she must register these details with the GLA's Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the commencement of his/her term of office, and must submit an updated notification within 28 days of becoming aware of any change. The Mayor...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 12 years ago

London’s Environment Revealed is a joint report on the State of the Environment in London, produced by the Greater London Authority, Environment Agency, Natural England and the Forestry Commission. The report looks at the state of London’s environment today, highlights the improvements that have been made, and the challenges the city faces. The report also features many projects and schemes...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 12 years ago

The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency, issued by the Department for Communities & Local Government in September 2011, set out a number of principles for local authorities which were intended to underpin best practice in the creation of greater transparency through the publication of public data. One of the key requirements was the publication of...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 12 years ago

Results of first public survey of users of the cycle hire scheme and cycle superhighways used to inform London Assembly Transport Committee report, 'Pedal Power: cycle hire scheme and cycle superhighways', November 2010. Results of online survey by London Assembly Transport Committee of 1,297 users of the cycle hire scheme and cycle superhighways undertaken over September to October 2010. The survey...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 12 years ago

The Mayor is committed to providing financial transparency and has instructed that regular reports should be published on all GLA expenditure over £1,000, including VAT. From summer 2010 the reporting threshold was reduced to £500 (including VAT) and from June 2012 the threshold has been reduced to £250. These reports are available from the GLA website in both comma delimited format...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Updated 12 years ago

Number of Re-Use Centres and their activity by weight - tonnes of furniture, appliances and IT equipment reused. Research was conducted between October 2007 and March 2008 by London Community Recycling Network (London CRN) and London Remade Solutions.