Department of Health
Added 11 years ago

Series of maternity related indicators underlying the myhealthlondon website. All 34 indicators are provided in a single Excel spreadsheet and complete metadata is also available for download.

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 11 years ago

Number and percentage of dwellings by tenure, and type of dwelling, including condition. Download data from NeSS Website

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 11 years ago

The European Quality of Life survey (EQLS) examines both the objective circumstances of European citizens' lives, and how they feel about those circumstances, and their lives in general. It looks at a range of issues, such as employment, income, education, housing, family, health and work-life balance. It also looks at subjective topics, such as people's levels of happiness, how satisfied...

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 11 years ago

Excel Age-Range creator for 2001 and 2011 Census population figures. This Excel-based tool enables users to query the single year of age raw data so that any age range can easily be calculated without having to carry out often complex, and time consuming formulas that could also be open to human error. Simply select the lower and upper age range for both...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 11 years ago

Improving the local environment can help improve health and wellbeing. The GLA have produced a bespoke guide for each London borough highlighting how positive changes to the environment help support better health. The Better Environment, Better Health guide offers tailored information on seven important environmental factors that can impact on residents’ health. These factors are green spaces, active travel and transport,...

Department of Health
Updated 11 years ago

Range of modelled indicators of health lifestyle choices. These estimates must be used with caution. They will almost certainly not mirror precisely any available measures from local studies or surveys (although research by NatCen and others have shown that they tend to be related). 1) Current smoking among adults (aged 16 or over). Current smokers were defined in the HSfE if the...

Experian Marketing Services
Added 11 years ago

Modelled scenarios of comparison goods retail floorspace need 2011 to 2036 associated with the Experian/GLA publication: "Consumer Expenditure and Comparison Goods Floorspace Need in London". The data is provided for the main London Plan geographies including sub-regions, Central Activities Zone, Outer/Inner London, boroughs and town centres. It includes the ability to test 5 development scenarios with sensitivity testing for consumer...

Experian Marketing Services
Added 11 years ago

Consumer expenditure data to 2036 broken down by London borough, post code sectors, and industry sectors. 1 - Aggregated Borough Base 2 - Aggregated Postal Base Greater London 3 - Aggregated Regional Base The Aggregated category contains spending data on the following sectors: • Convenience • Comparison – Bulky • Comparison - Not Bulky • DIY • Gardening • Accommodation Services • Restaurants and...

Association of Public Health Observatories
Added 11 years ago

Excess Winter Deaths (EWD) by age and conditions (underlying cause of death) expressed as average per year based on 7 years pooled data, 2004-2011. EWD trend expressed as average per year based on 3 years data. The Excess Winter Mortality Index (EWM Index was calculated based on the 'ONS Method' which defines the winter period as December to March, and the...

The Empty Homes Agency
Added 11 years ago

Who owns the empty homes. Each year the Department for Communities and Local Government collects data on the number of empty homes from each local authority in England and from other Government departments and bodies (HSSA Statistics). LA data are reported figures. Regions' totals include estimated values for missing data. Hence summing LA figures would not yield region's figure. LA data are...