Transport for London (TfL)
Updated 11 years ago

This package includes information for all major Thames river boat routes. Please note that this data is no longer maintained on the Datastore and is only available via the TfL syndication website.

Department of Health
Updated 11 years ago

This data shows the number of people registered with Councils with Social Services Responsibilities (CSSRs) as being deaf or hard of hearing by age group. Age groups are: 0-17, 18-64, 65-74, 75 and over. Numbers are rounded to nearest five. The data are compiled from the triennial return SSDA 910 which is submitted to The Information Centre (The IC). People who are registered as...

HM Revenue & Customs
Updated 11 years ago

Key findings More than one in four of London’s children were in poverty in 2010. Child poverty rates have fallen in London on this measure, but are still higher than in any other region of the UK. Four boroughs, Tower Hamlets, Islington, Westminster and Redbridge, include pockets where more than three in five children were in poverty. Over the last four years,...

Stockholm Environment Institute
Updated 11 years ago

Data showing Ecological Footprint, Carbon Footprint, GHG (Greenhouse Gases) Footprint by borough. The ecological footprint is in global hectares per capita. The carbon footprint is in tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per capita. The greenhouse gas footprint is in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) per capita. See more on the SEI website.

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 11 years ago

The spreadsheet shows numbers and percentages of people in work aged 16-74 who travel to work by bicycle for all wards in London, from 2001 and 2011 Census. Included percentage point change, and rankings. Top 10 Wards in 2011: Rank, Ward name, Borough name, % travel by bicycle, 2011 1 Queensbridge, Hackney, 19.1 2 Clissold, Hackney, 18.9 3, Stoke Newington Central, Hackney, 18.8 4 Dalston, Hackney,...

Transport for London (TfL)
Updated 11 years ago

TfL Live bus arrivals (released in October 2011), is the largest real-time bus arrival information system in the world. It allows customers to view live arrival information for the 19,000 bus stops in London via web, mobile web and SMS. This API gives registered developers access to a scalable feed of the same real-time data used by the online Live bus...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 11 years ago

This Intelligence Unit Update (02-2014) uses ONS population estimates and birth data to examine changes in fertility in London between 2001 and 2011. Update 02-2014 and the accompanying data are both available to download. The Demography Team within the GLA Intelligence Unit publishes a range of population projections which can be accessed via the GLA Demographic Projections Datastore web page.

GLA Opinion Research
Updated 11 years ago

The GLA undertakes regular polling of Londoners' views. The results from these polls appear on this page, if interested in other years data click here. September 2014 - Awareness, sources, carrier bags and big dance Link to PDF of toplines (PDF) Link to Excel tables (XLS) August 2014 - Health Survey Link to PDF...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 11 years ago

Important Note The Brownfield data was handed over from LDA to the Homes and Communities Agency so that HCA could maintain it as part of the National Land Use Database (NLUD). The HCA’s online mapping site displays a points only version of NLUD from 2010 (password protected): The links to the files below will remain here as a matter of historical...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 11 years ago

Number and percentage of properties with solid walls and those not connected to gas mains at Lower Super Output Area level. Data is taken from the rural fuel poverty study funded by Eaga Partnership Charitable Trust, and Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes. The report helped with quantifying rural fuel poverty across England, particularly in relation to hard-to-treat (HTT) homes. Data covers...