Throughout 2012/13 the GLA carried out a programme of research to explore the impact that the London 2012 Games and the work of the GLA has had on the opinions, behaviour and attitudes of Londoners and visitors to London.

This page is where you can find the results from all of the GLA’s Gamestime research.

There are a series of infographics that show the key findings of the London 2012 Gamestime research. 2012Benefits.png 2012Inspiration.png 2012LondonersAwareness.png 2012Summer Like No Other.png 2012WelcomeToLondon.png 2012Did the 2012 Games change how people see London.png

1) To assess any changes in Londoners awareness, perceptions, attitudes and behaviour as a result of the Games.

Research carried out by: TNS London Bus on behalf of the GLA

Method: Four online surveys before during and after the Games

Date of research: 10th – 15th May 2012, 16th – 22nd August 2012, 12th -16th October 2012, 14th – 20th March 2013

Sample: Representative sample of 1,018 Londoners in May 2012 (1,002 in August 2012 & March 2013 and 1,032 in October 2012) over the age of 16 in the Greater London Area

Results: Online Monitoring (.zip)

2) To assess the impact and success of GLA’s event programme, marketing materials, city decorations, Team London Ambassadors and explore sentiment, changes in behaviour and perceptions of the Games legacy on London.

Research carried out by: ICM Research on behalf of the GLA

Method: Face to face research at 10 separate events organised or supported by the Mayor of London during the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Date of research: 31st July – 10th September 2012

Sample: 3,102 people who attended Olympic and Paralympics related events during the Games

Results: Event Research (.zip)

3) To explore Londoners and visitors experiences of London during the Games and the impact this has had on both their perceptions of London and their behaviour.

Research carried out by: GLA Intelligence Unit

Method: Online survey

Date of research: 17th December 2012 –20th January 2013

Sample: 1,230 people who attended events during the Summer and / or are signed up to the Mayor of London presents database

Results: Post Games Online Survey (.zip)

4) To explore the views and experiences of those who volunteered as a Team London Ambassador and see what impact this experience may have had/ have in the future.

Research carried out by: GLA Intelligence Unit

Method: Online survey

Date of research: September 2012

Sample: 2,619 Team London Ambassadors

Results: Team London Ambassador Volunteer Feedback Survey (.zip)

5) To explore the views and experiences of those who engaged with the Team London Ambassadors during their time in London.

Research carried out by: GLA Intelligence Unit

Method: Online survey

Date of research: July – September 2012

Sample: 233 people who spoke to Ambassadors

Results: Team London Ambassador Visitor Feedback Survey (.zip)

6) To understand how people talk about London as a place to live work and visit from a natural perspective and assess how this may have changed as a result of the Games.

Research carried out by: GLA Intelligence Unit

Method: Online survey

Date of research: April – June 2012, Sept – Dec 2012

Sample: Random sample of 14,000 social media comments, 7,000 between April – June 2012 and 7,000 between Sept – Dec 2012. Resulting in a total sample of 3,098 relevant comments, 1,549 between April – June 2012 and 1,549 between Sept - Dec 2012

Results: Social Media Analysis (.zip)

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