UK GDP saw further growth in February This month saw the publication by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) of monthly GDP numbers for the UK for February 2024 (Figure 1). This data showed that the UK economy grew by 0.1% month on month in February. This follows monthly growth of 0.3% in January (revised up from a previously estimated 0.2%). Figure...
Unemployment Rate Unemployment rates in London have tracked a little higher than those for the UK overall, standing at 5.0 per cent and 3.7 per cent respectively for 2023. Unemployment rose at the start of the pandemic but stayed significantly lower than during the financial crisis. Between 2022 and 2023, unemployment rose both in London and across the UK – the...
Families by size and children in families by age. A National Statistics Publication. Child Benefit is paid to those responsible for children (aged under 16) or qualifying young people. The latter includes: a) those in full-time non-advanced education or (from April 2006) on certain approved vocational training courses and who are under 19, or are aged 19 and have been on the...
Employment rates for those aged 16+ broken down by industrial classification. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS) produced by the Office for National Statistics. Includes the Major Industry Classes: Agriculture and fishing, Energy and water, Manufacturing, Construction, Distribution, hotels and restaurants, Transport and communications, Banking, finance and insurance, Public admin. education and health, Other services Includes all people...
Economic activity rates broken down by gender. The economically active population comprises those who are either employed or unemployed and excludes those who are economically inactive. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey, produced by the Office for National Statistics.
This dataset is no longer being updated due to redevelopment of private rental prices statistics, impact analysis, UK, please see more information here: Redevelopment of private rental prices statistics, impact analysis, UK - Office for National Statistics ( The Index of Private Housing Rental Prices (IPHRP) is a quarterly experimental price index. It tracks the prices paid for renting...
According to the LAEI 2019, there are 160 Air Quality Focus Areas in London. The Focus Areas are locations that not only exceed the EU annual mean limit value for NO2 but are also locations with high human exposure. They were defined to address concerns raised by boroughs within their Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) review process and forecasted air pollution trends. This is not...
Difference in employment rate between gender, ethnic groups and disability status. The following employment gaps are covered: Male - Female gap Non-disabled - Disabled gap (also split by gender) White - All ethnic minority gap (also split by gender) White - Mixed ethnicity gap (also split by gender) White - Indian gap (also split by...
Energy Efficiency On average, private sector homes in London are less energy efficient than affordable homes, reflecting national differences. Energy efficiency has, however, increased considerably across all tenures in London over the last 20 years. Almost nine in ten homes in London fall into energy efficiency band D or better, up from just three quarters over a six year period. This...
Childcare Costs Costs of childcare are between 25 and 33 per cent higher in London than for GB as a whole, with the gap having widened for 2023. The picture is complex, with considerable variation by age of child, type of setting and the number of hours required. The data suggest that the costs for all settings for pre school age...