This dataset is no longer being updated due to redevelopment of private rental prices statistics, impact analysis, UK, please see more information here: Redevelopment of private rental prices statistics, impact analysis, UK - Office for National Statistics (

The Index of Private Housing Rental Prices (IPHRP) is a quarterly experimental price index. It tracks the prices paid for renting property from private landlords in Great Britain.

IPHRP is produced from a number of administrative sources and is classified as experimental by ONS.

The index compares trends (rather than levels) in average private sector rents across English regions, Wales and Scotland. It uses a complex mix-adjustment and weighting process to produce a single index for each area. This index uses data on actual new and ongoing rents.

The sample ensures that the index is representative of the stock at regional level and that it isn't distorted by units dropping out of the sample because they switch to LHA or for other reasons. This is an advantage over the VOA dataset where the sample is changing over time and may not be representative.

Tables show monthly data. Data is updated once a quarter.

Index level (January 2011 = 100). Not seasonally adjusted.

See more on the ONS Website

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
a year ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Region
1 file
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ons-private-rents-region.xlsJan 2005 — Jan 2024