GLA Opinion Research
Updated a year ago

The GLA undertakes regular polling of Londoners' views. The results from these polls appear on this page, if interested in other years data click here. January 2022 - GLA/YouGov poll results Link to PDF of topline (PDF) Link to excel tables (XLS) January 2022 Wave 2 - GLA/YouGov poll results Link to PDF of topline...

Solar panel polling The GLA conducted a representative survey of Londoners to understand attitudes towards solar energy. The survey was carried out by YouGov for the GLA between 5th – 11th October 2022, with a response of 1,089 London residents aged 18+. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all London adults (aged 18+). GLA YouGov survey results October 2022 PDF topline XLS Table BACKGROUND Where...

GLA Poll Results 2022 The GLA undertakes regular polling of Londoners’ views. The results from the GLA polls undertaken in 2022 appear on this page. You can choose a different year from the menu. GLA / YouGov poll results January: wave 1 PDF topline XLS Table GLA / YouGov poll results January: wave 2 PDF topline XLS Table GLA / YouGov poll results February: wave 1 PDF topline XLS Table GLA / YouGov poll...

GLA Demography
Added a year ago

Templates for the submission of data for use in the GLA School Roll Projection Service Notes on completing the Actual Roll templates: Subscribers should use the templates included on this page to provide roll data for individual schools. This data should be split by national curriculum year and gender. Data for primary and secondary schools should...

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated a year ago

Number and rate of those aged 16 and over and in employment who are working part-time because they cannot find a full-time job. This dataset is one of the Greater London Authority's measures of Economic Fairness. Click here to find out more.

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated a year ago

Number and rate of economically active residents aged 16-64 who have received training in the last 3 months. Data taken from the Employer Skills Survey (ESS) has also been included. This measures whether an employer has funded or arranged training for staff over the past 12 months. This dataset is one of the Greater London Authority's measures of...

Equal Opportunities Economic fairness means providing access to good quality employment opportunities for all Londoners and providing support for those whose options are constrained by their upbringing, circumstances or traits. London’s status as a global city brings benefits and opportunities for many, but the competition that comes with this can make access to and progress in the labour market more challenging,...

Underemployment (hours) There are different ways to consider underemployment, or whether people in work have the level of employment that they want. Nearly three per cent of all London residents in employment reported being in a part-time job because they could not find full-time work, very similar to the UK-wide figure. Both in London and nationally, this proportion rose through the...

Posted a year ago

The Employer Skills Survey 2022 is the sixth edition of the survey conducted by the DfE since 2011. The survey aims to identify the skills challenges faced by employers, in their existing workforce as well as when recruiting. In particular, the survey covers three main areas: Recruitment and skill-shortage vacancies Skills gaps Training and workforce development The survey is a representative sample and is...

In Work Training During 2023, just below one in five economically active Londoners reported receiving job-related training in the last three months. While this was higher than for the previous year, it is in the context of an overall decreasing trend. There is considerable variation in the proportion of different groups of Londoners that had undertaken job-related training in the last three...