Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 8 months ago

Employment rates broken down by gender, age or disability. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS), produced by the Office for National Statistics. Employment Rate by Gender, for working age, and Age groups: 16-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-64, and disability groups: All disabled, Both DDA & also work-limiting, DDA only disabled, Work-limiting only disabled, Not disabled, recently replaced with:...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 8 months ago

London Fire Brigade
Updated 8 months ago

This page provides a range of data about the staff who work for the London Fire Brigade. There is the LFB Human Resources (HR) Statistical Abstract which provides a range of data from 2014 onwards, and is updated quarterly. There are also bi-annual narrative People Services Performance Reports, which include a commentary about performance along with appendices containing...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

This dataset provides experimental estimates of borough-by-sector employee jobs in London. It provides a time series consistent with ONS Workforce Jobs data where this would not otherwise be available. The latest workbook provides employee jobs estimates for the period 1971-2022. The estimates are modelled from Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) and Workforce Jobs (WFJ) data published by the Office for National...

Metropolitan Police Service
Updated 8 months ago

This report contains all Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act 2000) requests received by the Metropolitan Police Service and logged on our corporate logging system since January 2015. There is also information on Appeals and complaints from January 2015 onwards. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) recommend that organisations publish their own performance in answering Freedom of Information Requests on a quarterly...

Metropolitan Police Service
Updated 8 months ago

This report contains all Right of Access (Data Protection Act 2018) requests received by the Metropolitan Police Service and logged on our corporate logging system since May 2018. In addition, there is information on Subject Access Requests (Data Protection Act 1998) received after 01/01/2015 up to the introduction of the 2018 Act. There is also information on Appeals and complaints from January 2015...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

The Climate and Equalities Tool is a simple, high-level tool to help you embed climate and equalities considerations early in your programme design. Climate outcomes are assessed alongside an Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA). Adhering to the Public Sector Equality Duty of the Equality Act 2010 is a statutory requirement and completing an EqIA is the best way to comply with...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

This dataset contains ethnicity pay gap figures for all employees in London. The pay gap figures for GLA group organisations can be found on their respective websites. The ethnicity pay gap is the difference in the average hourly wage of White employees and employees of other ethnic groups across a workforce. If Black, Asian or minority ethnic employees do more of...

Labour Market that works for everyone To achieve economic fairness in London, everyone working in London needs to be paid and treated fairly by employers. Pay gaps exist between a number of different groups. Increasing employee flexibility and support, providing secure employment and workplaces that reflect London’s population at all levels and are free from discrimination will offer a labour market...

Disability Pay Gap The pay gap between disabled and non-disabled workers within London, based on the median pay is estimated at 10 per cent in London and 14 per cent for the UK as a whole. There is a degree of volatility in the data, due to sample sizes. In the past, it was the case that the London ethnicity pay...