Economic Fairness – Disability Pay Gap

Labour Market

Disability Pay Gap

The pay gap between disabled and non-disabled workers within London, based on the median pay is estimated at 10 per cent in London and 14 per cent for the UK as a whole. There is a degree of volatility in the data, due to sample sizes. In the past, it was the case that the London ethnicity pay gap was larger than that for the UK as a whole in most years. However, in recent years the disability pay gap in London has fallen below the disability pay gap for the UK as a whole. 

Trying to understand or explain these data needs further analysis by age and gender. In particular, older workers are more likely to have a disability affecting their work than younger workers, but wages tend to rise as older workers have more experience and responsibility. The data are not sufficiently robust to investigate this complexity.

The disability pay gaps across the GLA group vary considerably. The GLA has published theirs on the GLA website, while the disability pay gaps for other GLA group organisations can be found on theirs.