This report contains all Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act 2000) requests received by the Metropolitan Police Service and logged on our corporate logging system since January 2015. There is also information on Appeals and complaints from January 2015 onwards.

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) recommend that organisations publish their own performance in answering Freedom of Information Requests on a quarterly basis. This report is our response to that recommendation.

Counting Rules

One submission from a member of the public will count as one request. Multiple submissions from


Data on how a request was closed is only available from January 2019.


The data used in the MPS Freedom of Information Requests Dashboard Data is available here Freedom of Information requests performance dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, this data set running quarterly behind with quarterly update.

Due to an internal IT deployment, from 27th February these datasets may be temporarily disrupted. Work is ongoing to rebuild these datasets.

Last Update
8 months ago  
Update Frequency
1 file