This MSOA atlas provides a summary of demographic and related data for each Middle Super Output Area in Greater London. The average population of an MSOA in London in 2010 was 8,346, compared with 1,722 for an LSOA and 13,078 for a ward. The profiles are designed to provide an overview of the population in these small areas by combining a...
Lambeth council have a wide range of data about the borough available for public use, which you can access in machine-readable and easily-shared formats such as CSV and JSON. Read more on Lambeth's open data pages. Lambeth publish over 100 different mapping datasets, to be used freely by residents and local businesses: Lambeth Open Mapping Data portal
This report from the GLA Intelligence Unit analyses the ONS 2011 Sub-national Population Projections (SNPP) for London boroughs. The report provides insight into the methodology employed by ONS in the production of the projections as well as comparing this projection to previous ONS SNPP projections. The report is available to download here. The data used in the report is available to download here. More...
Road lengths in miles, by road class for each local authority and region of Great Britain since 2005. Includes, Motorways, Trunk roads, Principal roads, and Minor roads - both Rural and Urban. Using the National Roads Database from the Department for Transport (DFT).
The Quality and Safety Programme began in January 2012 and built on the review of emergency general surgery and acute medicine in London. This was a clinically-led programme, supported by over 90 clinicians that formed multi-disciplinary expert panels, and involved patient/service user and public groups. The programme had two key components: 1. Auditing all acute London hospital sites against the agreed and...
The London Streets Traffic Control Centre records and monitors accidents, incidents, road works and public events, which are likely to the impact the normal flow of traffic on London's busiest roads. The Live Traffic Disruptions XML feed contains information about the location, nature, impact and timing of a range of disruptions being monitored by TfL's 24/7 traffic control centre. The feed...
TfL has a network of over 130 roadside message signs, which provide drivers with information about local traffic disruptions. The signs are set by TfL's London Streets Traffic Control Centre. The Live Roadside Message Signs XML feed comes direct from TfL's traffic control centre system and contains the location and live message on every sign currently displaying information in London. The feed...
Multimodal working timetable data from the TfL Journey Planner, including Tube, Bus and DLR. Please note that this data is updated weekly (every Thursday morning) by Transport for London. You should check the TfL Developer portal for details of the latest data updates.
The live traffic camera feed provides images from 177 cameras at key sites across the Capital, showing what's happening on London's streets. All images are TfL branded, have a location description, and date and time-stamp. They are refreshed at least every three minutes. Individual feeds may be interrupted if there is a system fault or if a camera is being...