Alcohol Indicators related to hospital admissions, covering:

Months of life lost - males
Months of life lost - females
Alcohol-specific mortality - males
Alcohol-specific mortality - females
Mortality from chronic liver disease - males
Mortality from chronic liver disease - females
Alcohol-attributable mortality - males
Alcohol-attributable mortality - females
Alcohol-specific hospital admission - under 18s
Alcohol-specific hospital admission - males
Alcohol-specific hospital admission - females
Alcohol-attributable hospital admission - males
Alcohol-attributable hospital admission - females
Admission episodes for alcohol-attributable conditions (previously NI39)
Alcohol-related recorded crimes
Alcohol-related violent crimes
Alcohol-related sexual offences
Claimants of incapacity benefits - working age
Mortality from land transport accidents
Abstainers synthetic estimate
Lower Risk drinking (% of drinkers only) synthetic estimate
Increasing Risk drinking (% of drinkers only) synthetic estimate
Higher Risk drinking (% of drinkers only) synthetic estimate
Binge drinking (synthetic estimate)
Employees in bars - % of all employees
Created by NWPHO from Hospital Episode Statistics and a range of other sources. Includes data for National Indicator 39. Measures are numbers and rates.

Download the borough data from the Local Alcohol Profiles for England (LAPE) website.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
11 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
1 file
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alcohol-indicators-london.xlsJan 2003 — Dec 2013