Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 11 years ago

Indicative locations of all known allotments in London, as gathered during the London Assembly Scrutiny investigation in 2006. This dataset was created by the GLA's GIS team on behalf of the London Assembly as part of their 2006 investigation into the provision and availability of allotments in London. The data was collected in order to quantify the number of allotments...

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)
Updated 11 years ago

Commercial and Industrial stock by date built. Average rateable value - £/m2 Total Rateable value - £'000s Total Floorspace - 000s m2 Hereditaments - Number

Department for Education
Updated 11 years ago

Key Stage 3 results and associated value added measures by gender (by location of pupil residence). The results refer to the achievements of Key Stage 3 eligible pupils in the English, Mathematics and Science core subjects. These are typically 14-year-old pupils. The average Key Stage 3 point scores per pupil and an overall breakdown by gender is also included. Test results for pupils...

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 11 years ago

Detailed country of birth data from 2001 census Commissioned Table C0413. Data subject to a Country of Birth threshold of ten or more people in each area of residence. Cells in these tables have been randomly adjusted by ONS to avoid the release of confidential data. Users may also find of interest country of birth profiles from 2001 Census data, which uses data...

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)
Updated 11 years ago

Housing prices and number of transactions by dwelling type. House sales not at full market value are excluded. Ownership of this dataset remains with the Communities and Local Government (CLG). Information can only be reproduced if the source is fully acknowledged. The Land Registry (LR) and CLG have provided these datasets drawn from the Land Register. Information on outliers, that is transactions involving a...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 11 years ago

2010-2013 GLA budget breakdown by directorate

Department for Education
Updated 11 years ago

Percentage of school children who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality Physical Education and school sport within and beyond the curriculum. There is the potential for error in the collection, collation and interpretation of the data (bias may be introduced due to poor response rates and selective opt out of larger children which it is not...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 11 years ago

The GLA provides roll projections to 25 London boroughs, and has now produced pilot pan-London roll projections. These are supplemented by two sets of EXCEL files, reflecting conclusions in earlier Education Research Briefings and discussion with London boroughs. Taken together the EXCEL files include approximately 100 Tables, and provide a wide range of information on locally-resident children and on the schools...

Valuation Office Agency
Updated 11 years ago

Number of dwellings on the valuation list, by council tax band and output area. The Valuation list is held by the Valuation Office Agency of HMRC. The number of dwellings in each band taken at the end of March. Based on property values at 1 April 1991, homes are allocated to one of eight bands in England: the lowest -...

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 11 years ago

Census Key Statistics Table KS06: Ethnic Group. Total 2001 population broken down by 16 groups. Census day was 29 April 2001. Ward data was extracted using SASPAC.