Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 8 months ago

This table shows the average House Price/Earnings ratio, which is an important indicator of housing affordability. Ratios are calculated by dividing house price by the median earnings of a borough. The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is based on a 1 per cent sample of employee jobs. Information on earnings and hours is obtained in confidence from employers. It...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

More Detailed Jobs This dataset provides estimates of employee jobs in London down to 4-digit Standard Industry Classification level, from 1998 to 2022. The latest release was in July 2024 - see the related blog post. Estimates are based on Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) and Workforce Jobs (WFJ) data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The underlying assumptions are...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

Information   These published reports present information from the multi-agency database Combined Homelessness and Information Network (CHAIN), about people seen rough sleeping by outreach teams in London. CHAIN, which is commissioned and funded by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and managed by Homeless Link, represents one of the UK’s most detailed and comprehensive sources of information about rough sleeping.  ...

Posted 8 months ago

The total number of employee jobs in London rose steeply in 2022 as the capital recovered from the pandemic, adding 297,500 jobs (6%) in the year to reach 5,595,000. That was also well above the pandemic peak of 5,239,000 in 2019 (7%). This blog delves into the detailed data based on the ONS’ Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) and Workforce...

About This Website The London Datastore has been created by the Greater London Authority (GLA) as a first step towards freeing London’s data. We want everyone to be able access the data that the GLA and other public sector organisations hold, and to use that data however they see fit – for free. The GLA is committed to using its connections...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

The Mayor set out his strategic policy framework for the management of London's municipal waste in the London Environment Strategy (LES), published in May 2018. Proposal 7.2.1.b set out the Mayor’s proposal to hold a contract register to monitor when waste authority contracts come up for renewal. The register is designed to be available for all waste authorities to view...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 8 months ago

Data on the public's perception of the police, taken from the Mayors Office for Policing and Crime's (MOPAC) Public Attitude Survey (PAS). Responses from the following questions are available for download: Feels well informed about local police activities over the last 12 months Agree the police listen to the concerns of local people Agree the police can be relied upon to be there...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Updated 8 months ago

These datasets contain the annual results for local authority collected waste in London and England. Local authority collected waste statistics from the quarterly reporting to WasteDataFlow. Data in this table shows Local Authority, London and England data. Information on the median cost of different types of waste management is also included.

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Updated 8 months ago

Number and percent of London residents in employment on zero-hours contracts. This dataset is one of the Greater London Authority's measures of Economic Fairness. Click here to find out more.

Insecure Employment The percentage of workers in insecure employment rose steadily between the financial crisis and the pandemic, but fell sharply during the Covid-19 pandemic. In London, around one in sixteen of everyone in work in 2022 is either employed in a job with a temporary contract, working through an employment agency or self-employed in occupations considered insecure*. This compares with...