London Underground records temperatures across the Underground in order to inform our cooling initiatives. Platform temperatures on the deep Tube are routinely monitored using data loggers. Average monthly evening peak temperatures since 2013 are provided on this page. We are investing millions as part of a long-term programme to ensure we can deliver more services, and continue to introduce new trains to...
An archive of Briefings and Updates published in 2013 by the GLA Intelligence Unit These Briefings cover a range of topics including demography, census analysis, education, and London's labour market. Briefings from other years are available here: DMAG Report Archive – London Datastore
An archive of Briefings and Updates published in 2012 by the GLA Intelligence Unit These Briefings cover a range of topics including demography, census analysis, education, and London's labour market. Briefings from other years are available here: DMAG Report Archive – London Datastore
HSDS Research & Insights The Greater London Authority (GLA) High Streets Data Service (HSDS) provides its members with regular analytical briefings on the key issues facing retail areas across all of London. Our analysis project results are summarised below. Housing Completions & Town Centre Vitality June 2024 Analysis question: How does the change in residential developments near major town centres impact the vitality of...
From 1 August 2019, the Secretary of State for Education delegated responsibility for the commissioning, delivery and management of London’s Adult Education Budget (AEB) to the Mayor of London. The AEB helps Londoners to get the skills they need to progress both in life and work. The overarching aim of London’s AEB is to make adult education in London even more...
2011 Reports Demography Census First Results Comparing London & the Core Cities Elderly Social Exclusion Housing Trends in Overcrowding Housing Tenure by Economic Activity Housing Characteristics Trends in Housing Tenure Housing Snapshot Housing Tenure by NS-SeC Diversity Mixed and Balanced Communities Diversity in London Ethnicity by Age Local Areas of Ethnic Group Concentration Diversity Indices Snapshot Ward Diversity Indices Snapshot Religion Snapshot Passports Snapshot Household Language Snapshot Main Language Snapshot Migrant Population Detailed Country of Birth, Passports & National Identity Snapshot Short-term residents Londoners born Overseas Country...
Articles and Blogs Combining Geo-spatial data with qualitative community research in Green Lanes 28 August 2024 | London Data Week DataThinks “This complementarity between two very different types of data (HSDS data and qualitative community research) was a continuous thread throughout our project. [Community researchers’] understanding of Green Lanes, their ability to uncover new insights, and their readiness to corroborate and/ or challenge...
Boundaries of High Streets as developed by the Regeneration team at the Greater London Authority. NOTE: these boundaries will be used when sharing data about High Street spend and footfall. They reflect the wider uses of High Streets including community, public and cultural, in addition to concentrations of retail units.
Number of journeys on the public transport network by TFL reporting period, by type of transport. Data is broken down by bus, underground, DLR, tram, Overground and cable car. Period lengths are different in periods 1 and 13, and the data is not adjusted to account for that. Docklands Light Railway journeys are based on automatic passenger counts at stations. Overground and Tram...
High Streets Data Service and Partnership The High Streets Data Service (HSDS) is a data sharing partnership between the Greater London Authority, London boroughs, and Business Improvement Districts. Borne out the Mayor’s mission to support high streets’ pandemic recovery, the HSDS provides local officers with high quality data to shape policy, strategy, and investment decisions on London’s 600+ high streets and 200+...