The London Schools Atlas is an innovative interactive online map of London providing a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of London schools, current patterns of attendance and potential future demand for school places across the capital.

The Atlas is part of the Mayor's programme of initiatives aimed at driving up standards in education and ensuring there are enough good places for all children in the city.

Covering primary and secondary provision, including academies and free schools, the London Schools Atlas for the first time uses data to illustrate current patterns of demand for school places at a pan-London level, rather than within boroughs alone.

You can use the atlas at the link below:

London Schools Atlas - homepage

Download the Data:

The files below contain the home location to school matrices used to create the catchment elements of the maps. Please ensure you read the notes page in each file before using the data. School location/attribute information has been sourced from the Edubase database.

In addition to the datasets below, the following data sources that are used in the Atlas are also available in the London Datastore:

2014 London Schools Atlas datasets can be downloaded from here (format: .zip, size: 5.41MB)

2015 London Schools Atlas datasets can be downloaded from here (format: .zip, size: 7.8 MB)

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
10 months ago  
Update Frequency
One off
Geographic Coverage
  • Other
  • Lower Super Output Area
  • Ward
  • Greater London
12 files
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Pupils' resident LSOA to Primary school flows (2016)Oct 2014

NB: Nov16: An error was identified where the name associated with the 'LSOA_Name' field was not correctly added to this file. The LSOA to school pupil flow information was to not affected and the correct LSOA labels have now been added. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause users.

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all_schools_xy (2016)Oct 2014

Schools as a CSV file with X and Y as Lat Long, for use with Google My Maps

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all_school_xy (2016)Oct 2014

KMZ for use with Google Earth

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All_Schools_shp (2016)Oct 2014

ESRI Shapefile of schools for use with ArcMap or QGIS