The pan-London demand for school places project is an attempt to provide a consistent view of the demand for school places across London. The project was commissioned following an identifed need for a strategic overview of future demand for places in London.

The figures in this model in no way replace or supersede those provided by individual boroughs to the DfE. These results should not be compared to local authority roll projections.

The 2018 demand projections were published in March 2018 and incoporate 2016-based GLA population projections and data from the DfE's National Pupil Database (January 2017). These projections update the earlier 2015 pan-London demand projections.


Last Update
7 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Ward
  • Greater London
  • Local Authority
6 files
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2018 pan-London demand projections

A report detailing the methodology and results of the 2018 pan-London school place demand projections (Update 2018-01).

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2018 demand projections Q&A

A questions and answers document to accompany the publication of the 2018 pan-London demand projections.

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2018 school place demand projections (borough)

Borough-level projections of demand for school places over the period 2017-2028.

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2018 school place demand projections (ward)

Ward-level projections of demand for school places over the period 2017-2028.

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2018 pan-london school place demand report workbook

Figures and tables included in the 2018 pan-London demand projections report

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ARCHIVE: 2015 Pan London Demand for School

In November 2015 the GLA produced the first Pan-London Demand for School Places projections. This work was updated in March 2018 and these outputs superseded.