Excel Age-Range creator for Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid year population estimates (MYE) covering each year between 1999 and 2016


These files take into account the revised estimates for 2002-2010 released in April 2013 down to Local Authority level and the post 2011 estimates based on the Census results. Scotland and Northern Ireland data has not been revised, so Great Britain and United Kingdom totals comprise the original data for these plus revised England and Wales figures.

This Excel based tool enables users to query the single year of age raw data so that any age range can easily be calculated without having to carry out often complex, and time consuming formulas that could also be open to human error. Simply select the lower and upper age range for both males and females and the spreadsheet will return the total population for the range. Please adhere to the terms and conditions of supply contained within the file.

Tip: You can copy and paste the rows you are interested in to another worksheet by using the filters at the top of the columns and then select all by pressing Ctrl+A. Then simply copy and paste the cells to a new location.

ONS Mid year population estimates

Open Excel tool (London Boroughs, Regions and National, 1999-2016)

Also available is a custom-age tool for all geographies in the UK. Open the tool for all UK geographies (local authority and above) for: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.

This full MYE dataset by single year of age (SYA) age and gender is available as a Datastore package here.

Ward Level Population estimates

Single year of age population tool for 2002 to 2015 for all wards in London.

New 2014 Ward boundary estimates

Ward boundary changes in May 2014 only affected three London boroughs - Hackney, Kensington and Chelsea, and Tower Hamlets. The estimates between 2001-2013 have been calculated by the GLA by taking the proportion of a the old ward that falls within the new ward based on the proportion of population living in each area at the 2011 Census. Therefore, these estimates are purely indicative and are not official statistics and not endorsed by ONS. From 2014 onwards, ONS began publishing official estimates for the new ward boundaries. Download here.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
4 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Greater London
  • Local Authority
  • Region
  • Ward
6 files
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ONS MYE Custom Age Tool New Ward BoundariesJan 1999 — Dec 2014

New (2014) boundaries for Hackney, Kensington and Chelsea, and Tower Hamlets wards). All other boroughs remain unchanged. Covers 2002 to 2015.

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ONS Ward Population, Custom Age Tool 2002-13Jan 1999 — Dec 2014

This file will no longer be updated.