ONS Mid-year estimates (MYE) of resident populations for London boroughs are available in the following files:

Read the GLA Intelligence Updates about the MYE data for 2011 and 2012.

Mid-year population by single year of age (SYA) and sex, for each year 1999 to 2014.

ONS mid-year estimates data back to 1961 total population for each year since 1961.

These files take into account the revised estimates released in 2010.

Ward level Population Estimates

London wards single year of age data covering each year since 2002.

Custom Age Range Tool

An Excel tool is available that uses Single year of age data that enables users to select any age range required.

ONS policy is to publish population estimates rounded to at least the nearest hundred persons. Estimates by single year of age, and the detailed components of change are provided in units to facilitate further calculations. They cannot be guaranteed to be as exact as the level of detail implied by unit figures.

Estimates are calculated by single year of age but these figures are less reliable and ONS advise that they should be aggregated to at least five-year age groupings for use in further calculations, onwards circulation, or for presentation purposes. (Splitting into 0 year olds and 1-4 year olds is an acceptable exception).

ONS mid-year population estimates data by 5 year age groups going all the way back to 1981, are available on the NOMIS website.

Data are Crown Copyright and users should include a source accreditation to ONS - Source: Office for National Statistics. Under the terms of the Open Government License (OGL) and UK Government Licensing Framework, anyone wishing to use or re-use ONS material, whether commercially or privately, may do so freely without a specific application. For further information, go to http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ or phone 020 8876 3444.

For a detailed explanation of the methodology used in population estimates, see papers available on the Population Estimates section of the ONS website. Additional information can also be obtained from Population Estimates Customer Services at [email protected] (Tel: 01329 444661).

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
8 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
  • Ward
  • Region
5 files
File icon
Mid year estimates since 1961Jan 1999 — Dec 2014

Long-term, historical time series data