COVID-19 Data and Analysis
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 4 years ago

These documents were produced through a collaboration between GLA, PHE London and Association of Directors of Public Health London. The wider impacts slide set pulls together a series of rapid evidence reviews and consultation conversations with key London stakeholders. The evidence reviews and stakeholder consultations were undertaken to explore the wider impacts of the pandemic on Londoners and the considerations for...

Museum of London and Partnership for Young London
Updated 4 years ago

This is a survey of over 3,000 young Londoners that was completed in June 2020 in partnership with the Museum of London. This focuses on the key issues and concerns affecting young people aged between 16-24 and reviews the challenges they face and what needs to happen to help young people thrive across the capital. This dataset is being reviewed. The...

London & Partners and Visit Britain
Updated 4 years ago

London’s Tourism Direct GVA (TDGVA) in 2019 is estimated by taking London’s share of the latest ONS regional TDGVA publication (2013) and multiplying it with the latest TDGVA estimate (2017) for the UK. The resulting figure is then multiplied with a ratio of London spend data from VisitBritain’s International Passenger Surveys from 2019 and 2017. This approach assumes 1) that...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 4 years ago

Qualitative research with older Londoners undertaken by the GLA exploring: The causes of food insecurity and malnutrition amongst older Londoners, including the impact of coronavirus The experiences of older Londoners experiencing food insecurity and its impact on general well-being  The extent to which the diets (including water intake) of older Londoners are monitored/discussed The extent to...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 4 years ago

The Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned the University of Manchester to conduct a rapid evidence review to document and understand the impact of COVID-19 (in terms of both health and the broader impacts on existing social and economic inequalities) on those with protected characteristics, as well as those living in poorer, or more precarious, socioeconomic circumstances, paying particular attention to...

GLA Opinion Research
Updated 4 years ago

This dataset outlines the latest research on public attitudes and behaviours in relation to the coronavirus outbreak. It includes the results of a tracker poll which asks respondents the same questions each week to monitor how responses change over time. Additionally there is a supplementary fortnightly poll which includes questions not covered in the weekly tracker.

Greater London Authority and Bloomberg Associates
Added 5 years ago

This is a summary report on the economic impact of COVID-19 on London’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It presents a uniquely granular and timely analysis of the impacts on London’s SMEs by sectoral, financial, employment, and risk indicators and includes deep dive case studies on the economic impact on the Night Time Economy, high streets and town centres, and...

Partnership for Young London
Updated 5 years ago

This is a survey of over 2,000 young Londoners that was completed in August 2020 in response to the planned suspension of the under 18’s free travel card. The accompanying report highlights the impact of this on young people and profiles the challenges that will be faced by young people from diverse communities. Within this, nearly 400 young people who...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Added 5 years ago

We developed a survey for mutual aid groups which asked questions about the number of participants, activities they were carrying out, challenges they faced, what worked well, resources they found useful and relationships with other organisations (Appendix 1). The Survey was open for responses for four weeks from 12th May - 9th June 2020. We received 38 responses in...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 years ago

Coronavirus affects some members of the population more than others. Emerging evidence suggests that older people, men, people with health conditions such as respiratory and pulmonary conditions, and people of a Black, Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) background are at particular risk. There are also a number of other wider public health risk factors that have been found to increase the likelihood...