Department of Health
Department of Health
Updated 10 years ago

Age-standardised proportion of adults (16+) who met the recommended guidelines of consuming five or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day by gender. To help reduce the risk of deaths from chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. The Five-a-day programme was introduced to increase fruit and vegetable consumption within the general population. Its central message is that...

Department of Health
Updated 10 years ago

The spreadsheet contains regional level obesity trend data from the the HSE, BMI data from Understanding Society, and adjusted prevalence of underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obesity by local authority from the Active People Survey. Understanding Society data shows the percentage of the population aged 10 and over by their Body Mass Index Classification, covering underweight, normal weight, overweight, and three...

Department of Health
Updated 11 years ago

Series of indicators underlying the myhealthlondon website. Information about outcome standards is also available. Each indicator is provided as a separate data file which can be found using the links below. Full metadata for the indicators are also available. Indicator 1 - One year cancer survival for lung cancer and breast cancer (Borough level) ...

Department of Health
Added 11 years ago

A set of data on aspects of dementia published on the myhealthlondon website. DEM0001 - Numbers of people with a diagnosis DEM0002 - Diagnosis rates DEM0003 - Care reviews for GP patients DEM0004 - Dementia today DEM0005 - Spend on anti-dementia drugs DEM0006 - Waiting to be tested by Memory Clinics DEM0007 - Waiting for...

Department of Health
Updated 11 years ago

Series of stroke related indicators underlying the myhealthlondon website. All 19 indicators are provided in a single Excel spreadsheet and complete metadata is also available for download.

Department of Health
Added 11 years ago

The Quality and Safety Programme began in January 2012 and built on the review of emergency general surgery and acute medicine in London. This was a clinically-led programme, supported by over 90 clinicians that formed multi-disciplinary expert panels, and involved patient/service user and public groups. The programme had two key components: 1. Auditing all acute London hospital sites against the agreed and...

Department of Health
Updated 11 years ago

This data shows the number of people registered with Councils with Social Services Responsibilities (CSSRs) as being deaf or hard of hearing by age group. Age groups are: 0-17, 18-64, 65-74, 75 and over. Numbers are rounded to nearest five. The data are compiled from the triennial return SSDA 910 which is submitted to The Information Centre (The IC). People who are registered as...

Department of Health
Added 11 years ago

Series of maternity related indicators underlying the myhealthlondon website. All 34 indicators are provided in a single Excel spreadsheet and complete metadata is also available for download.

Department of Health
Updated 11 years ago

Range of modelled indicators of health lifestyle choices. These estimates must be used with caution. They will almost certainly not mirror precisely any available measures from local studies or surveys (although research by NatCen and others have shown that they tend to be related). 1) Current smoking among adults (aged 16 or over). Current smokers were defined in the HSfE if the...