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Association of Public Health Observatories
Association of Public Health Observatories
Updated 9 years ago

Estimated rate of problem drug users (crack and or opiates) per 1000 of the population aged 16-54. The number of users in treatment will have impacted on the prevalence estimates published by the Home Office and the regression model which may introduce bias to the estimates. Link to National Treatment Agency

Association of Public Health Observatories
Updated 11 years ago

Number of cases of common mental health problems per 1000 of the population aged 16-74 by type of mental health problem. Data on rates are presented as total cases per 1000 population aged 16-74. Detail of case numbers are available from NEPHO for males and females, for quinary age-groups. These are not intended to be used at this level, rather to provide flexible data for grouping up.

Association of Public Health Observatories
Added 11 years ago

Alcohol Indicators related to hospital admissions, covering: Months of life lost - males Months of life lost - females Alcohol-specific mortality - males Alcohol-specific mortality - females Mortality from chronic liver disease - males Mortality from chronic liver disease - females Alcohol-attributable mortality - males Alcohol-attributable mortality - females Alcohol-specific hospital admission - under 18s Alcohol-specific hospital admission - males Alcohol-specific...

Association of Public Health Observatories
Added 11 years ago

Excess Winter Deaths (EWD) by age and conditions (underlying cause of death) expressed as average per year based on 7 years pooled data, 2004-2011. EWD trend expressed as average per year based on 3 years data. The Excess Winter Mortality Index (EWM Index was calculated based on the 'ONS Method' which defines the winter period as December to March, and the...