Geographic Coverage
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 4 years ago

Excel Age-Range creator for Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid year population estimates (MYE) covering each year between 1999 and 2016 These files take into account the revised estimates for 2002-2010 released in April 2013 down to Local Authority level and the post 2011 estimates based on the Census results. Scotland and Northern Ireland data has not been revised, so Great...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 4 years ago

This Excel based tool enables users to query the raw single year of age data so that any age range can easily be calculated without having to carry out often complex, and time consuming formulas that could also be open to human error. Each year the GLA demography team produce sets of population projections.  The full raw data by single year...

Department of Health
Updated 4 years ago

Prevalence of underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese children. The data covers children in Reception year (aged 4-5) and Year 6 (aged 10-11) There is the potential for error in the collection, collation and interpretation of the data (bias may be introduced due to poor response rates and selective opt out of larger children which it is not possible to control for). The...

Department for Transport
Updated 5 years ago

Casualties on the roads by severity (Killed/seriously injured or slight injuries) for both child and all casualties by borough since 2004. Casualties by 5 year age group and severity for London and Great Britain. Data presented is for personal injury road traffic collisions occurring on the public highway, and reported to the police, in accordance with the Stats 19 national reporting...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 years ago

A free mapping tool that allows you to create a thematic map of London without any specialist GIS skills or software - all you need is Microsoft Excel. Templates are available for London’s Boroughs and Wards. Full instructions are contained within the spreadsheets. Borough maps Map for quantitative data ...

Breadboard Labs
Updated 5 years ago

A high resolution map of tree canopy cover for Greater London was produced from aerial imagery using machine learning techniques. The map was produced by Breadboard Labs in collaboration with the Greater London Authority as part of a Breadboard Lab’s European Space Agency funded project, Curio Canopy .  The algorithms and machine learning based techniques used to produce...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 years ago

These ward level well being scores present a combined measure of well-being indicators of the resident population based on 12 different indicators. Where possible each indicator score is compared with the England and Wales average, which is zero. Scores over 0 indicate a higher probability that the population on average will experience better well-being according to these measures. Users can adjust...

Department for Work and Pensions
Updated 5 years ago

National Insurance Number (NINo) registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK by year of registration, by country of origin. 100% extract from National Insurance Recording System. Figures are rounded to the nearest ten. Some additional disclosure control has been applied. Totals may not sum due to rounding method used. Registration date is derived from the date at which a NINo is maintained...

Greater London Authority (GLA)
Updated 5 years ago

The percentage of the economically active population who are claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). Output from the GLA claimant count model which uses administrative counts of Job Seekers and expresses them as a percentage of the labour force using GLA projections of the economically active population. Designed to complement ONS claimant count rates which use the whole population as the denominator. From...

Department for Work and Pensions
Updated 5 years ago

All people of working-age claiming benefits. Data presented here by gender, out-of-work group and those aged under 25. Figures under 500 are subject to high sampling variation and should be used with caution. The rates are calculated using resident working-age ONS population mid-year estimates (from NOMIS) The benefits totals come from DWP and are available from NOMIS. Other benefits data for small areas...