A fairer, more inclusive economy


A fairer, more inclusive economy

London needs not only a growing, dynamic economy, but also one that is sustainable and inclusive, to drive future prosperity and create opportunities for all Londoners.

Inequality in London declines

London’s education outcomes exceed the rest of the UK and other global cities

A closure of the technical skills gap

More Londoners live in homes that they are able to afford

More Londoners live in decent homes

Public transport costs as a percentage of income

There is an increase in the supply of high quality early education and childcare

All workers receive a fair wage

London business demonstrate exemplary employment standards

  • Number of businesses signed up to the Good Work Standard –
    Coming soon

More Londoners have the opportunity to access well paid, stable employment

Londoners are healthier

Health inequalities between neighbourhoods and groups are reduced

There is a reduction in crime affecting London’s people and business