London Heat Map

The London Heat Map is a tool designed to help you identify areas of high heat demand, explore opportunities for new and expanding district heat networks and to draw potential heat networks and assess their financial feasibility.

The new version of the London Heat Map was created for the Greater London Authority by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) in July 2019. The London Heat Map is regularly updated with new network data and other datasets. Background datasets such as building heat demand was last updated on 26/06/2023.

The London Heatmap is a map-based web application you can use to find and appraise opportunities for decentralised energy (DE) projects in London.

The map covers the whole of Greater London, and provides very local information to help you identify and develop DE opportunities, including data such as:

  • Heat demand values for each building
  • Locations of potential heat supply sites
  • Locations of existing and proposed district heating networks
  • A spatial heat demand density map layer

The map also includes a user-friendly visual tool for heat network design. This is intended to support preliminary techno-economic appraisal of potential district heat networks.

The London Heat Map is used by a wide variety of people in numerous ways:

  • London Boroughs can use the new map to help develop their energy master plans.
  • Property developers can use the map to help them meet the decentralised energy policies in the London Plan.
  • Energy consultants can use the map to gather initial data to inform feasibility studies.

More information is available here, and an interactive map is available here.

Building-level estimated annual and peak heat demand data from the London Heat Map has been made available through the data extracts below. The data was last updated on 26/06/2023. The data contains Ordnance Survey mapping and the data is published under Ordnance Survey's 'presumption to publish'. © Crown copyright and database rights 2023.

The Decentralised Energy Master planning programme (DEMaP)

The Decentralised Energy Master planning programme (DEMaP), was completed in October 2010. It included a heat mapping support package for the London boroughs to enable them to carry out high resolution heat mapping for their area.

To date, heat maps have been produced for 29 London boroughs with the remaining four boroughs carrying out their own data collection. All of the data collected through this process is provided below.

Carbon Calculator Tool

Arup have produced a Carbon Calculator Tool to assist projects in their early estimation of the carbon dioxide (CO2) savings which could be realised by a district heating scheme with different sources of heating.

The calculator's estimates include the impact of a decarbonising the electrical grid over time, based on projections by the Department for Energy and Climate Change, as well as the Government's Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP).

The Excel-based tool can be downloaded below.

Borough Heat Maps Data and Reports (2012)

In March 2012, all London boroughs did a heat mapping exercise. The data from this includes the following and can be downloaded below:

  • Heat Load for all boroughs
  • Heat Supplies for all boroughs
  • Heat Network
  • LDD 2010 database
  • Complete GIS London Heat Map Data

The heat maps contain real heat consumption data for priority buildings such as hospitals, leisure centres and local authority buildings.

As part of this work, each of the boroughs developed implementation plans to help them take the DE opportunities identified to the next stages. The implementation plans include barriers and opportunities, actions to be taken by the council, key dates, personnel responsible. These can be downloaded below.

Other Useful Documents

Other useful documents can be downloaded from the links below:

Energy Masterplanning Manual 

Opportunities for Decentralised Energy in London - Vision Map

London Heat Network Manual

London Heat Network Manual II

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
a year ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
75 files