GLA Economics estimates of London's exports by sector over time based on the UK level service exports from the Pink Book 2014, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) goods exports and GLA Economics modelling. Additional data sources to inform GLA Economics modelling include 'GVA per Workforce Job in London and the UK' and the 'London Business Survey 2014'. 

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London's exports estimates (2015)Jan 2003 — Dec 2013

GLA Economics estimates of London's exports by sector over time based on the UK level service exports from the Pink Book 2014, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) goods exports and GLA Economics modelling. Additional data sources to inform GLA Economics modelling include 'GVA per Workforce Job in London and the UK' and the 'London Business Survey 2014'.

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An analysis of London's exportsJan 2003 — Dec 2013

This paper looks at London’s international trade, utilising trade data both at a national but also at the regional level.