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10 files
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6.3 Survey Script.pdf

A document setting out the script used by surveyors from Keep Britain Tidy when surveying the bin stores of existing estates.

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6.6 Bin store scores v2.0.xlsx

A spreadsheet setting out the scores of each bin store surveyed in existing estates.

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9.2 FRP-tool-cost-assumptions.pdf

A document setting out the cost assumptions used during use of the Flats Recycling Package tool to quantify costs.

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9.2 FRP-tool-general-assumptions.pdf

A document setting out general assumptions used when using the Flats Recycling Package tool for the study.

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9.3 Setup and Ongoing cost breakdown v1.0.xlsx

A spreadsheet detailing set up and ongoing cost breakdown for the measures.

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9.4 Evaluation Matrix and Scoring v2.0.xlsx

A spreadsheet detailing the weightings and scorings used for analysis of survey results.

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9.7 Stakeholder Map v1.0.xlsx

A diagram detailing types of stakeholders.

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9.9 Landlord Monitoring Excel v1.0.xlsx

A spreadsheet documenting communication with landlords.

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Stage 1 Report v5.0_FINAL.pdf

A document setting out the results from a survey led on bin stores in existing estates.

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Stage 2 Report v5.0_FINAL.pdf

A report comparing the survey results with standards for recycling in new buildings. It also provides a cost estimation for matching comparable standards in existing estates and recommendations for how the Borough should roll out measures.