The Community Engagement team at the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned this report to identify and examine past and present projects which involve collecting Londoners experiences of COVID-19 through a variety of creative and non-traditional materials.  


The purpose of the report is to: 

  • provide an overview of projects and activities which record Londoners COVID-19 stories and experiences. 
  • outline who is responsible for these projects and activities (individuals, museums, community groups, charities, community interest groups, non-profits, other institutions and organisations). 
  • analyse the voices of individuals/groups/communities targeted in the projects and activities. 
  • highlight obvious gaps in the collected data which can inform future programmes 
  • geographically map out projects and other activities which record COVID-19 stories and experiences across Greater London.  


The data provides insight into trends and patterns in COVID-19 collecting projects and activities that have been carried out in London from March 2020 to March 2021. Reflections and final suggestions on how to navigate these projects and activities for specific next steps in the Community-Led Recovery Programme, targeted missions, suggestions etc. will be discussed later in this report. In particular, this report provides information relevant to the London Community Story (LCS) Programme, one of the two strands of the Community-Led Recovery programme. 


Alongside this report is a dataset outlining 160 COVID-19 collecting projects that took place in London. The dataset gives project names, boroughs, material types, collecting organisation type and organisation names. We encourage you to use this dataset as a starting point and then do your own additional research on the 160 projects. If you are aware of a project that has not been included, please let us know and we can add it.  

Last Update
4 years ago  
Update Frequency
One off
2 files