Following the release of the latest London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) 2016, additional data has been produced at Borough level, to assist London boroughs with their LLAQM (London Local Air Quality Management) duties.

The data below is based on the NOx, NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions and ground level concentrations already published as part of the LAEI 2016. It includes the following datasets, which can be downloaded below:

Borough-specific data files containing:

  • 2016 Maps of ground level concentrations across each borough for NOx, NO2, PM2.5 (annual mean), and PM10 (both annual mean and number of daily means over 50µg/m3). Maps are provided as JPEG and PDF files, and in two versions: one with an OS base map included (Conc2) and one without it (Conc1).
  • Dashboards of emissions at borough level (tables and graphs) by source type for 2010, 2013 and 2016, for NOx, PM10, PM2.5 and CO2

London-wide data files:

  • A Source Apportionment (Excel) tool, providing a summary table and chart of emissions split by source at a chosen location (1km2 resolution) and at borough level
  • A summary table providing key borough level statistics in relation to population exposed to NO2 concentrations above the Limit Values (40µg/m3 annual mean and 60µg/m3 annual mean as a proxy for the hourly mean Limit Value)
Last Update
6 years ago  
35 files