This dataset shows numbers and rates of Under 18 and under 16 Conceptions, including proportion leading to abortion. Data is for London Boroughs.

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) conception statistics are used to monitor progress towards the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy's target to halve England's under-18 conception rate by 2010, from a 1998 baseline.

These statistics are part of a well established series, which are compiled by combining information from birth registrations and abortion notifications.

Under 18 rates are per 1000 female population aged 15-17.
Under 16 rates are per 1000 female population aged 13-15.
Counts for City of London have been combined with those for Hackney
For conceptions leading to abortions, rates based on fewer than 10 events have been suppressed. Occasionally it has been necessary to apply a secondary suppression to avoid the possibility of disclosure by differencing.

Miscarriages and illegal abortions are not included in the conception rates, resulting in rates that may be an under estimation.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
3 years ago  
Update Frequency
Geographic Coverage
  • Local Authority
  • Region
1 file
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teenage-conceptions-borough.xlsJan 1998 — Dec 2019