This page contains all the English Indices of Deprivation (ID) data for London at LSOA and borough level for the latest release (ID2019) as published by central government back to 2010. Also posted here are some ward level summary data for London for the latest release (ID2019) and from 2007.Accompanying notes are included in the files. Please take the time to read these as they explain what is included on each sheet. The London data files have sheets for the published

  • LSOA overall IMD and domains (rank and score),
  • LSOA sub domains (rank and score),
  • borough level IMD summary measures,
  • borough level domain summary measures,
  • borough level IDACI/IDAOPI,
  • population figures,
  • underlying indicators.

GLA Intelligence reports give further information about the components of the Indices, how they are constructed and an analysis of the results for London, together with maps of the IMD, the domains and sub domains at LSOA level.

The ID2019 replace the ID2015 as the Government’s official measure of deprivation from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government. The Indices show London remains an area of mixed fortunes, with some wealthier areas alongside pockets of deprivation across the capital. Generally, London is showing less deprivation over time compared with other parts of the country, and the pockets of deprivation are becoming more dispersed. The indices help to pinpoint those areas where there is greatest need on a number of dimensions of deprivation.

The ID2019 data for the whole of England are available on this MHCLG web page.

For an interactive mapping tool, click here



This dataset is included in the Greater London Authority's Night Time Observatory. Click here to find out more.
8 files