
These analyses are based on online job postings data provided by Lightcast. This near real-time data can be used to track and assess the demand for labour in London, though there are some caveats to keep in mind:

  • Comparisons with publicly available online job postings data indicate that the Lightcast data may be more sensitive to short-term volatility in the labour market.
  • The composition of job postings by occupational groups has not changed significantly over time, with postings for managerial and professional occupations accounting for more than half of total job postings in London over the past five years.
  • Online job postings do not appear to reflect the overall composition of vacancies in the London labour market, as the number of vacancies is more evenly distributed across occupational groups in other data sources.

See the briefing on Understanding online job postings data .

Job postings analyses

New analyses on job postings data will be released on a quarterly basis.

Experimental data on green jobs and skills postings can be found here.

Labour market analyses

For other analyses, see our separate Datastore page.

Last Update
10 months ago  
Update Frequency
9 files