The data used in the in the Annual Crime Statistics 2022 - 23 Dashboard is available here: 2022 - 2023 crime statistics | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, this data sets is updated on the 4th of each April. Last extraction occurred April 2023.

Total Notifiable Offence (TNO) data follows the Home Office counting rules for recorded crime ( ).

The “Other Crime” offence data follows the Home Office counting rules but have been grouped by specific features (e.g. Hate Crime): please see dashboard for definitions.

Measures include Offences, Sanction Detections, and the Sanction Detection Rate (total number of sanction detections divided by the total number of offences in a given period).

All data is broken down by financial year for each crime type, and can be filtered by Basic Command Unit (BCU) and Borough. NB: The Borough shown is the ‘investigating’ Borough not necessarily the Borough where the offence occurred.

Due to an internal IT deployment, from 27th February these datasets may be temporarily disrupted. Work is ongoing to rebuild these datasets.

Last Update
a year ago  
2 files