The 2021 London Output Area Classification (LOAC) has been created by the CDRC and published on 2 October 2023. Data and supporting information are on the datastore here.

This page gives access to the OLD 2011 London Output Area Classification (LOAC), an open source geospatial classification, using a combination of over 60 variables from the 2011 Census to classify every small area in London within a hierarchical structure.

The 2011 London classification used the same variables and methodology as the UK 2011 Area Classifications, but provided a finer level of classification for London.

Users can download the LOAC reports and data from this page.

An interactive map of the 2011 LOAC can be found on the CDRC mapmaker website.

Creative Commons Attribution
Last Update
a year ago  
Update Frequency
Ad hoc
Geographic Coverage
  • Output Area
  • Ward
  • Local Authority
  • Greater London
7 files
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2011 LOAC Report.pdfOct 2014

Final Report by Paul Longley and Alex Singleton of UCL, outlining the methodology applied and comparing it to the nation Output Area Classification

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LOAC classification.xlsOct 2014

For each Output Area in London, describes the Super Group, Group and Sub group

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LOAC ward dashboard.xlsxOct 2014

For each ward in London, shows the count & percentage of Output Areas in each Super Group or Group.

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LOAC GIS mapping.zipOct 2014

A zip file containing GIS mapping files (in Arc Shape and MapInfo file types).

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The ONS England & Wales OACOct 2014

CIS2014-04: The ONS 2011 Output Area Classification for England & Wales. A review of the 2011 OAC produced by ONS and the rational for the commissioning of the LOAC.

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england-and-wales-oac-data.xlsxOct 2014

Data and charts from CIS2014-04. Data constitute the 2011 ONS Output Area Classification for England & Wales. The full 2011 UK Output Area Classification is still available from the ONS (though now archived).